Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Welcome to Communicating Innovation

Posted by Andrew, partner

Welcome to the new FK3 website.

When we set up FK3, midway through 2005, we had a very clear vision for what our new agency should be. One that works in step with its clients and is clearly focused on their most important issues.

For us that meant developing a new way of working – faster, more cost effective; and orientating the agency around a key business imperative – innovation.

And so we established a very particular kind of agency, for which we decided we needed a very particular kind of website. But the fact that we’ve chosen until now to launch the definitive website for FK3 is due to more than just a healthy pre-occupation with our clients’ businesses rather than our own.

The very obvious truth is that the world is currently experiencing the hardest economic conditions for more than seven decades, and quite frankly we’ve been inspired to get our story across because the value of FK3’s offering has become more relevant than ever.

Budgets need to be stretched beyond breaking point and so clients need an agency that keeps its overheads low, its communications smooth and clear; and to be flexible – ready to adapt its messages to the most appropriate and cost effective channels available.

Market openings will be fleeting as desperate competitors scramble to slam those ‘windows of opportunity’ shut. Clients need their agencies to be especially fleet of foot and those that persist in peddling the time honoured tradition of trafficking briefs through their departmentalised production lines are unlikely to be of much help.

But above all, companies need to be seen to be delivering value. Consumers and business customers alike are being more careful than ever with their hard earned funds. And when all the potential suppliers have cut their prices to the bone, buyers become more discerning than ever as to who they should spend their money with.

People who are actually prepared to spend - expect more: more benefit, more value. Therefore companies have to innovate – develop ideas that convert into competitive advantage. And when companies do have genuinely differentiating features and benefits to offer, they have to be sure that potential customers understand clearly just what’s in it for them.

That’s FK3’s role. To ensure that companies maximise their ROI (Return On Innovation) and that prospects fully appreciate (and buy) the extra value built in to their products and services.

Currently there are some very mixed messages flying around. There are some reports of a slowing rate of decline, even a few areas of small improvement. There’s much debate as to whether we’ll be measuring this ‘downturn’ in terms of months or years. But it seems that there are always more pessimists than optimists.

However accurate the forecasts prove to be, most people buy into the belief that those organisations that equip themselves well for recession – and survive, are much more likely to thrive when conditions improve.

Let’s determine to turn this threat into an opportunity and emerge that much stronger when the sun starts to shine again.